Notes on Symbiotic Decapod Crustaceans from Gorgona Island. Colombia, with a revision of the Eastern Pacific Species of Trapezia (Brachyura, Xantthidae), Symbionts of Scleractinian corals

Collections of decapod crustaceans associated with scleractinian corals at Gorgona Island, Colombia, have provided material for a revisión of the eastern Pacific species of Trapezia (Brachyura, Xanthidae), obligate symbionts of the coral Pocillopora. Four sympatric specie are recognized: T. corallina GERSTAECKER, T. formosa SMITH, T, ferruginea LATREILLE, and T. digitalis LATREILLE. Two species of symbiotic natantian shrimps [Harpiliopsis spinigera (ORTMANN) from Pocillopora and Periclimenes soror NOBILI from asteroids] are recorded from Gorgona for the first time.

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Castro, P.
Formato: Journal Contribution biblioteca
Publicado: Santa Marta (Colombia), INVEMAR 1982
Materias:Taxonomy, Symbionts, Marine crustaceans, New records,
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