Soil loosening persistence with paratill

In Argentina, no-tillage is the main management system where the absence of soil disturbance and the traffic of heavy machine has increased the problems of soil compaction. In order to reverse this phenomenon,decompaction is used, with contradictory results on the duration of the effect of soil loosing. The study wasperformed using a lateral angled decompactor (Paratill) in a Thapto Argic Hapludol. After two years, penetration resistance, bulk density, infiltration and dry matter production was evaluated under two treatments: decompacted; and control (without decompaction). No differences were found in bulk density or infiltration between treatments.Along the studied soil profile, the control treatment showed higher values of penetration resistance in comparison with the decompacted only between 7 and 30 cm, even below the maximum depth reached. Dry matter was higher under decompaction treatment, showing that the effect of decompaction was maintained two years after its application. In conclusion, the effect of decompaction is still evident after two years, improving the penetration resistance parameter and crop biomass production.

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Perdomo, Luis Ignacio, Rollhauser, Martin, Melani, Esteban, Guilino, Facundo, Draghi, Laura, Jorajuria, Daniel, Sarli, Guillermo, Villarreal, Rafael, Lozano, Luis, Soracco, German, Garcia, Mirta, Palancar, Telmo
Formato: Digital revista
Publicado: Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata 2020
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