Origin of nutrients in Amazonian Dark Earths as assessed by molecular markers.

Geochemically, Amazonian Dark Earths are characterised by a high fertility caused by stable soil organic matter and high nutrient levels. The nutrient stocks and nutrient forms have been intensively investigated in the last decades. Only a few studies about the origin of nutrients have been carried out. Up to now, bones have been identified as one source of nutrients in Amazonian Dark Earths but other sources, e.g. plant biomass and faecal material, are still a matter of speculation. We will discuss possible nutrient sources and associated land-use practices, and will present the first data from analyses of stanols and bile acids. These biomarkers are used to investigate the input of faecal material to soils. Our data show that excrements contribute to the fertility of Amazonian Dark Earths. Analytical procedures and the applicability of this method, which as far as we know has not been used before in the humid tropics, will be discussed.

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: BIRK, J., TEIXEIRA, W., NEVES, E. G., GLASER, B.
Otros Autores: Jago Birk, University of Bayreuth; WENCESLAU GERALDES TEIXEIRA, CPAA; Eduardo Neves, USP; Bruno Glaser, University of Bayreuth.
Formato: Separatas biblioteca
Publicado: 2008
Materias:Origem, Marcador Molecular, Amazonia, terra preta,
Acceso en línea:http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/683916
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