Supervivencia de invertebrados bentónicos capturados incidentalmente en la pesquería de vieira patagónica

The purpose of this work was to determine how the selection process of commercial vessels directed to Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica) affects survival of the benthic invertebrates that are part of the fishery by-catch (Argentine Sea, Southwest Atlantic): An experiment on board was performed with the most frequent and abundant discarded species that were classified according to the level of damage. The highest survival values were found in gastropod Fusitriton magellanicus and star Diplasterias brandti (96.7 and 86.7%, respectively). A positive relationship between level of damage and size in sea urchin Austrocidaris canaliculata and a negative one in ophiuroid Ophiacantha vivipara were registered. It was observed that the level of survival decreased as fragility and rigidity of the species structure increased, which indicates that the effect of the selection process on the benthic community associated to the Patagonian scallop fishery depends on the species, the size within each species and is related to their structure and morphology.

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Schwartz, M., Escolar, M., Marecos, A., Campodónico, S.
Formato: Journal Contribution biblioteca
Idioma:Spanish / Castilian
Publicado: 2016
Materias:Pectinidae, Zygochlamys patagonica, Echinodermata, Gastropoda, Pesquería de vieira, Pesca comercial, Captura incidental, Descartes, Supervivencia, Bentos, ASFA15::S::Scallop fisheries, ASFA15::C::Commercial fishing, ASFA15::B::By catch, ASFA15::D::Discards, ASFA15::S::Survival, ASFA15::B::Benthos,
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