Carbon stock in a sandy soil of the southwestern Amazonia.

Soil conservation management (SCM) system with no-till (NT), cover crop sandcash crops in rotation and/or succession, limestone and fertilizers can recover and/or maintain soil quality in terms of its carbon (C) stock in comparison to the slash-burn system with or without conventional tillage (CT). The objective of this study was to determine the effect of SCM system on temporal variation of soil carbon stocks in its natural state (native forest-NF) and under different tillage/cropping systems.

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: COSTA, F. de S., KLEIN, M. A., BRITO, E. S., CAMPOS FILHO, M. D., LAMBERTUCCI, D. M., DICK, D. P., AQUINO, I. O. de, TAVELLA, L. B.
Otros Autores: FALBERNI DE SOUZA COSTA, CPAF-AC; MARCELO ANDRE KLEIN, CNPT; Erbessonde Souza Brito, Esalq/USP; MANOEL DELSON CAMPOS FILHO, CPAF-AC; DANIEL MOREIRA LAMBERTUCCI, CPAF-AC; Dick, Deborah Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); Itauane Oliveira de Aquino, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); Leonardo Barreto Tavella, Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac).
Formato: Anais e Proceedings de eventos biblioteca
Publicado: 2018-09-27
Materias:Agricultura conservacionista, Prácticas de conservación de agrícolas, Reservorios de carbono, Bosques primarios, Acrisoles, Suelos arenosos, Yuca, Maíz, Cultivos de cobertura, Mâncio Lima (AC), Acre, Sudoeste da Amazônia, Southwestern Amazonia, Solo Arenoso, Argissolos, Carbono, Estoque, Floresta Nativa, Sistema de Cultivo, Mandioca, Manihot Esculenta, Milho, Zea Mays, Planta de Cobertura, Agricultural conservation practice, Acrisols, Sandy soils, Carbon sinks, Primary forests, Cropping systems, Cassava, Corn, Cover crops,
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